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Criminal Defense

Do Masks Violate a Defendant’s Confrontation Clause Rights to Observe a Witness’s Demeanor?

Zachary Caffo Elon University School of Law Intern-in-Residency with Aberle & Wall As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, courts have had to deal with situations where public safety must be balanced with protecting the rights of criminal defendants. Some issues have included the right to a Speedy Trial when courts are closed and the right to pretrial release as jails have…

What is a Firearm Hold?

Zachary Caffo Elon University School of Law Intern-in-Residency with Aberle & Wall When a person is arrested in North Carolina, they are brought before a magistrate at the jail, who will set the conditions of pretrial release. The magistrate will then go over a set of factors to determine if the individual is a flight risk or a danger to…

ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Graham and Alamance County Police Departments Following Violence at March to the Polls Rally

By Cynthia Hernandez Although the 2020 presidential election is virtually over and Joe Biden has been declared the President-Elect, lawsuits filed before and after the election are far from finished. One federal legal action filed by the ACLU (Drumwright et. al. v. Johnson) in the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina accuses the Graham and…

California Passes New Laws to Combat Racism in Jury Selection Process

Cynthia Hernandez On September 30, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a number of landmark bills into law which are designed to fight racism in the criminal justice system. Two of the bills–Assembly Bill 3070 and Senate Bill 592–target racial discrimination in the jury selection process. These laws are part of the state’s broader attempt to fight intentional and implicit…

The First Five Steps To Take When Someone Is Arrested

In the stressful first 24 hours when someone is arrested with a Greensboro criminal charge, knowing what to do right away can be critical. Friends and family want to take action as quickly as possible. There are so many things that immediately begin to happen before someone even has their first court appearance. At Aberle and Wall we use our…

How can a Greensboro attorney win my possession of firearm by felon charge?

If you have been charged with possession of firearm by a felon, our Greensboro criminal lawyers can help. You may have more defenses that your attorneys can use than you realize. This may include the defenses of duress/necessity, a lack of knowledge about the firearm, or the absence of intent to control the disposition or use of the firearm. Contact…

